Episode 242 – Conjugal Visits

Episode 242: Shout-outs, including Russell Brand, Misty of Chincoteague, the earthquake, etc., movies (Stennie: The Lottery, Sixty Six), Bet & Stennie at the Movies Present: Dean Spanley, Pet Stories, What’s Up With That?, New Favorite (Huxtable Hotness), Fuck-Offs and You-Rules, children’s television.

Music: β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra. “New Fave” bumper by Krizzer, “Movies” bumper by Duke.

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12 Responses to Episode 242 – Conjugal Visits

  1. thepete says:

    Siskita is coming back to NYC on her days off. I’ll be going up there (actually, it’s more “over” there since she’s so close to the coast) in October to see the show and maybe some sights. It’ll be nice to get out of the big city for a bit… though with the cold weather we just got hit with today, I’m not sure I’ll want to go very far.

    Bet, your opening to an “Italian Job” sequel would be hilarious, but I thought it should be closer to Heidi’s description–though without the gold. Once you have that much gold, why do you need another caper? Besides, I’d rather everything about how the first one “ended” be mysterious.

    As for the first Star Trek movie sucking? I think you’re forgetting how bad 5 was. The first Star Trek was slow, for sure, but 5? That was rock-stupid. “The Great Barrier”?? Spock’s emotional step-brother? >_< Puhlease. Even Roddenberry said you probably shouldn't take 5 too seriously. And then when you compare Star Trek TMP to most scifi and I feel like it's not fair at all to say it sucks. There's waaaay worse.

    Glad Lilly got my Star Wars ref. πŸ™‚ See, I thought that was obvious.

    Never heard of "Shinkatink" (sp???)

    I think Eddie Murphy was/is funny but he's not smart about his choices in roles (in fact, he's dumber than Star Trek 5). I loved him on SNL and some of his stand-up and even a number of his earlier films. The movie he made with Steve Martin was the last good movie he made. He's got great timing when the script is there for him. I refuse to see any of his paycheck movies (aka, the ones he made for the paycheck). I totally agree with the question of why him to host the Oscars. I don't get it.

    I'm done! What the hell?

  2. MarlaMarlaMarla says:

    Hi girls. Almost fully effaced. Miss you (and my life). <3

  3. Sal Soul-Pilot Gomez says:

    OMG!!! I turned 50 on Sunday!!! Crap!!! Oh well…..saw The Beatles LOVE show at the Mirage in Las Vegas. Took the sting out of the whole 5-0 thingy!!

  4. LilyG says:

    I want a shout out! Can I still have one even though I haven’t gotten more than six minutes in? I’ve been getting much better about bedtimes (his and mine), so I don’t get around to anything until the weekends. I might be able to real-time (for you) comment later tonight. Who knows?

  5. Michelle says:

    YAY! You’re back! I was having some horrible withrdawalations without a podcast to listen to. The shaking and sweating was getting hard to deal with. There are so few comments this week, because people quit getting out of bed and couldn’t go on without a HB. Look what you did! LOOK!

  6. Michelle says:

    Bet – I just saw your status update on FB. I am very much looking forward to your hodgepodge.

    I agree that dogs show embarrassment. The dog I had before Punim would get embarrassed and give me the “look,” put her ears back, and sulk off. I haven’t seen Punim get embarrassed yet. He’s to young to think that everything he does is completely awesome.

  7. Michelle says:

    I suck at movie quotes because I just don’t absorb these things. I also think we watch different movies. I am going to collect quotes from the movies I watch for a while and then make you a quiz.

  8. Michelle says:

    I have totally liked you on FB. I was the first to do it!

    I use the Arm and Hammer toothpaste too. Why does Krizzer say we shouldn’t use it? I can NOT stand Aim. It is way too sweet and it tastes like burning.

    When I was a kid, my family used Gleem. Do they even still make that?

  9. Michelle says:

    I saw Frost vs. Nixon a year or so ago. It is a long-ass movie, but I really thought it was educational and very good. I didn’t know Frost was such a playboy though.

    I also really enjoyed The Lottery – it wasn’t a fun and lighthearted documentary, but I did learn a lot. I have to beg to differ about Heidi about public schools. Depending on where you live, they can be pretty crappy. Some neighborhoods in Chicago, for example, churn out little delinquents who can’t read. Our dropout rate is really high. And take my education. I got straight A’s in Math (except for geometry) and when I got to college, I couldn’t pass a basic skills math test.

    However, some public schools are wonderful. My niece and nephew’s high school has an amazing curriculum where they learn about business and marketing, graphic design and technology. They live in northern New Jersey. Was your school this awesome, Heidi?

  10. Michelle says:

    Punim and I thank you for the shout out and you rule! He’s listening to the HB with me right now and cocks his little head from time to time, particularly when Bet laughs.

  11. Michelle says:

    I made a typo up there – I meant to say “too young”

    Also, Catherine Tate will always be in my heart as Donna Noble on Dr. Who.

  12. +1 on THE BLACK STALLION. Great movie. The man-cub watched it a few months ago and I was reminded that part of its greatness is how engaging and compelling it manages to be with almost no dialogue for something like 40 minutes at a stretch.

    I agree about girls and horses, though I recall being lukewarm on dinosaurs and a lot more into baseball (I read a ton of biographies; Hank Aaron’s stands out), space travel, and cars. Seems like I built about one model car or airplane a week between the ages of 8 and 11.

    Great to have the HB back. I’ve started a new (mind-numbing) document-review project and it’s perfect for the 25-minute commute. I even got one of those new-fangled adapter/docks that plays my iPod through the cassette player.

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