Episode 200 – Obsession About Nose-Picking

Hucklebug Episode 200: 200th Episode Trivia Quiz (fabulous prizes to be won!), Shout-outs, Movies (Bet: The Men Who Stare at Goats, Pet Stories, Fuck offs & You Rules. Next week: Outtakes!

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker, and Frank Sinatra.

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20 Responses to Episode 200 – Obsession About Nose-Picking

  1. LilyG says:

    I’m not sure why I enter quizzes when Mike is around. He always wins. But here goes…
    1) Wife Swap and.The Amazing Race (I don’t quite consider the second one trash TV, but maybe you do?)
    2) Mr. M is the You Rule king.
    3) Hmm, I’m going with Milo Mindbender. No cloo
    4) No cloo.
    5) Oh crap, I know this and I forget.
    6) Double crap.
    7) No cloo.
    8) You chatted with me and NTCNTC. We kept you going.
    9) No cloo.
    10) I would say Sierra. But I don’t remember.

    I didn’t go back and look at the old episode guides to cheat on the answers either. Ha.

  2. LilyG says:

    Apparently you have autosmilies turned on in the comments. How odd.

    What’s wrong with cutting across parking lots diagonally if there’s a lot of empty space? I don’t hit anyone, but it’s silly to drive down to the end of the row if half the rows are empty.

    Oh, I finally remember what you were being bugged about on The Men Who Stared At Goats! I mildly agree that it was funny the first time, but got a little old later. Even my mother would have gotten the reference. However not enough to take me out of the movie. The whole movie was kind of a farce and making fun of a whole bunch of cliches. Kevin Spacey — nope, he gets to keep the Harrison Ford Award. I didn’t like him in it at all. And Jeff Bridges wasn’t just “The Dude, Revisited” because of the hair. It was the whole hippy, dippy, trippy thing.

    Maybe NTCNTC and I can come down in the Abrams Tank (aka the new car) for mini HuckleCon. Hell, we can sleep in the back. It even has a thing up above the rear view mirror to store your sunglasses, so you can’t lose them.

  3. Duke says:

    I buy all my sunglasses from the back of comic books. You can see the bones in your hand too.

  4. Patrick says:

    1. Guilty pleasure: Monkey Babies, of course.
    2. Mr. M, that magnificent bastard. He owns You Rule.
    3. Milo & Otis?
    4. If you ruled the world, Billy Mays would be dead.
    5. Picture of a nude Alan Arkin.
    6. I’ll guess RAN. You two are always sucking up to Kurosawa. 😉
    7. Family Guy episode: It’s the one where they ripped off the Simpsons. Wait, that’s every episode.
    8. Was it the Hokey Pokey?
    9. Final Jeopardy: Based on this Hucklebug, I’m guessing Potent Potables.
    10. I would guess the Deep Fat Friar did the Chaucer. But what do I know.

    Re: my answers above. I never cheat unless it’s accompanied by lying.

    Like Stennie, I bought one pair of expensive sunglasses, broke them, tried in vain to fix them, and then forever swore off expensive sunglasses. Besides, I’ve got even more useless things to throw my money away on.

    If both monkeys wore fezzes, they could go as Akbar and Jeff for Halloween: http://www.futurama-area.de/LiH/OComics/3.gif

  5. MarlaMarlaMarla says:

    Quiz Answers…I think I should win the most WRONG answers, and I have listened to EVERY ONE of the last 100 episodes. <3 you both anyway…

    1 Dancing with the stars

    2. Keith Obermann has the most you rules ?

    3. Milo comes from “My love”o

    4. Writing a check at the grocery store pisses Stennie off the very most (or the very most recent, anyway…)

    5. was there a question? what? sorry, I must have nodded off during the test…

    6. Matewan…I still don’t understand why

    7. The chicken/father fight from Famil Guy

    8. Ran around outside woke you up for 10 minutes

    9. Trivia Categories…
    Stennie. Movies
    Bet. Hackensaw boys

    10. Mike the blogless

    Ugh…I know…I suck. But I’ll do almost anything for a new Kazoo. I am assuming these come with lessons???

    Regarding the Penguins Stennie….. I know your mama taught you to write thank you notes. Hee hee You truly are the only one who usually writes thank you notes anyway. Looking forward to the penguins on the Hucklebug at some point…

    Oh, and re: Junonia. That’s where I ordered my bathing suit from that I brought to Hawaii years ago. I heard of the company from my BFF Rosie O’Donnell when she had her talk show. All her “active” clothes used to be from there.

  6. thepete says:

    hucklebug.com still doesn’t remember me 🙁 I think it’s in wordpress admin under settings > discussion. But I just looked there on my old WP blog and couldn’t find the setting.

    My answers:

    1) wife swap and de grassy high the next generation
    2) Hackensaw Boys
    3) because he was combating “my lo”light of the week? 😀 (I know I remember hearing the story, but I can’t remember the story!! ARG!)
    4) no fair asking us quiz questions that even you two don’t have the answers to! :\
    5) a picture of George Clooney and a puppy?
    6) Seven Samurai? Deadhead Miles? The Russians are Coming?
    7) I don’t remember any Family Guy episode mention. I’d remember it since I’m rather bitter about that show. :\
    8) do the Hokey Pokey
    9) was it “Things ThePete knows”? (I know that was mine ;D)
    10) Mr. Middlebrow

    I’m still listening and I’m not going to read anyone else’s comments this week so I don’t get accused of cheating on the quiz!!

    ….but I’ve got to restart my laptop. I’ll be back!!

  7. thepete says:

    I’M BACK.

    Aw, thanks for saying Ballpoint Adventures is better than any of the other strips out there, you two! And yeah, it BETTER be better than “Family Circus”. O_O

    WHEW! OK, if Mike still owns my butt, I feel like I can live in this unstable world!

    I was hoping we’d at least get Stennie playing a song on her cigar-box guitar… ah well…

  8. 1. What are Bet’s TV guilty pleasures? (Ep 189)
    A: Wife Swap & Degrassi

    2. Person Receiving the Most You-Rules
    A: Mr. M. / Cpt. A

    3. How did Milo get his name? (2 parts) (Wild-Ass Guesses)
    a. Milo Ventimiglia (actor who portrayed Peter Patroni on Heroes)?
    b. The Greek Island on which the celebrated statue of Venus was carved.
    c. The precocious journalist and namesake of the Bloom County comic strip (which seems unlikely since, with all the recent discussion of that, she’d probably have mentioned something, and, AFAIK, didn’t)

    4. What will be illegal when B/S rule the world (I actually, if vaguely, recall this conversation, but can’t think of the answer to save my life).
    A: Giving dogs cryptic names.

    5. What visual aid got Bet through the podcastathon (via a link from Stennie)?
    A: Toshiro Mifune rubbing “brutally hot” oil on Marcello Mastroianni’s back.

    6. Best movies of the ‘80s, highest rating given to:
    A: Akira Kurosowa’s “Ran.”

    7. Something that happened in a Family Guy episode Bet talks about a lot
    A: Stewie, the baby?, walked (crawled) in on the mom & dad having sex. (another WAG)

    8. What B/S did to wake up during the Podcastathon:
    A: The Hokey-Pokey

    9. Bet & Stennie’s dream categories for Final Jeopardy! (Ep. 179)
    a. Stennie: The Hollywood Ten
    b. Bet: The Hackensaw Boys

    10. Who rapped Chaucer on the podcastathon?
    A: The Deep Fat Friar

  9. Some comments from Ep. 199 which I would have gotten posted in time if it weren’t for these damn, meddling kids…!

    How propitious that you’ve discovered some new areas of musical virtuosity just in time for your all-singing episode. For inspiration, I suggest you check out Le Pétomane”, master flatulist (not a typo) and namesake of the storied Territorial Governor William J. Lepetomane. “I didn’t get a ‘harrumph’ outta that guy! You watch your ass.”

    Have I ever told you my Richard Simmons story?
    Shortly after arriving in L.A., after I got out the Army, I started working as a production assistant (PA). I somehow managed to get on pulling cable on a Louma Crane” for “Sweatin’ to the Oldies II.” Between takes, Richard would gad about the set doing little medleys of show tunes and, on one occasion, used the C-stand that the crane boom was supposed to rest on as a “microphone.” So, while I’m standing there, waiting patiently for my C-stand, the make-up girl, who’s giving him a touch-up, looks at me and observes, “Gee, your hair is really blond (which it was–Swedish genes + SoCal sun). To which Richard sort of sneers, “Oh, he puts something in it.” “No,” I shrug, “It’s just naturally this color.” At which point he leans over to me and asks, “What about the hair around your penis?” Had I not been so gobsmacked, I would have come back with something like, “The peroxide burned it all off.” Instead, I just said, “Uh . . . no.” Later in the day, he passed me at the craft service table and said (a little too loudly), “Sorry about that penis thing.” So, we’re cool, Richard Simmons and I. He’s definitely the guy you want at your party. By the way, I made $75 for that day.

  10. LilyG says:

    Mr. Middlebrow deserves a serious You Rule for admitting to that story. Wow.

  11. Krizzer says:

    Yay! 200th Episode! Great job ladies!

    I am SO not going to win the dvd set but I want my awesome kazee!

    1. American Idol, Wife Swap (new guilty pleasure is Monkey Babies)
    2. Mr. M (and why not?) Close 2nd would be the Hackensaw Boys.
    6. Ran. I need to see that.
    7. No idea, but my favorite is the Ipecac episode, so I’ll guess that.
    10. Deep Fat Friar, I think.

    Not done listening, so possibly more comments to come!

  12. So, after all the back-and-forth about it, I watched The Men Who Stare at Goats (yay, Netflix streaming!). The whole Ewan/Jedi thing wasn’t a problem for me, mostly because of his American accent, or at least the fact that he wasn’t trying to sound like Alec Guinness. And as somebody (ThePete?) mentioned, the prequels were so horrendous that I tend not to associate Ewan with Jedis in any meaningful way.

    HuckleCon 2012
    I love the idea of this, although the likelihood of me making it is inversely proportional to its distance from me. Asheville is pretty much ideal, but I can appreciate how that might be a deal-breaker for left-coasters. On the other hand, by 2012 I might be a big-shot IP lawyer who can jet anywhere, cost no object. Still, even if that’s the case, if we don’t do it down this way, my second choice would be somewhere in the PNW so I could see my folks/inlaws/old friends in Oregon and Washington.

    One thing I don’t like about this otherwise dandy site redesign is the inability to preview my comments. Here, then, is another attempt to provide embedded links for my references to Le Petomane and the Louma Crane (which, as I’m sure you recall, was the title of my third album).

  13. Duke says:

    Quizz answers:

    1. Monkey babies
    2. Mr. M for Bet, Boo and Buster for Stennie (they are people too)
    3. Catch 22
    4. I dunno
    5. I don’t know but I’m sure it had Alan Arkin in it.
    6. Miller’s Crossing
    7. I don’t know but I’m sure it had Alan Arkin in it.
    8. Sang to Nick.
    9. Stennie: Something concerning movies
    Bet: I don’t know but I’m sure it had Alan Arkin in it.
    10. Deep Fat Friar

  14. Krizzer says:

    Whoa. Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa! I DID NOT mean to slight Dishy, or any other of the Hucklebug faithful! I want to meet ALL of the Hucklebuggers! Hence the Huckle-Con suggestion. Ok, maybe not Captain A. That guy sounds like a real Asshole.

  15. So, after all the back-and-forth about it, I watched The Men Who Stare at Goats (yay, Netflix streaming!). The whole Ewan/Jedi thing wasn’t a problem for me, mostly because of his American accent, or at least the fact that he wasn’t trying to sound like Alec Guinness. And as somebody (ThePete?) mentioned, the prequels were so horrendous that I tend not to associate Ewan with Jedis in any meaningful way.

    HuckleCon 2012
    I love the idea of this, although the likelihood of me making it is inversely proportional to its distance from me. Asheville is pretty much ideal, but I can appreciate how that might be a deal-breaker for left-coasters. On the other hand, by 2012 I might be a big-shot IP lawyer who can jet anywhere, cost no object. Still, even if that’s the case, if we don’t do it down this way, my second choice would be somewhere in the PNW so I could see my folks/inlaws/old friends in Oregon and Washington.

    One thing I don’t like about this otherwise dandy site redesign is the inability to preview my comments. Here, then, is another attempt to provide embedded links for my references to Le Petomane and the Louma Crane (which, as I’m sure you recall, was the title of my third album). Actually, this is the third attempt; the previous two disappeared into the the ether.

  16. Mike says:

    I only knew two of the answers, both of which have something to do with me:

    5. http://www.orlandoweekly.com/blog/images/nancy-grace-773743.jpg

    6. Ran

  17. Kelly w/ a Y says:

    Happy 200 episodes!!!!!! *throws confetti* Woohoo!!! *blows party horn* Congrats on such a fine landmark occasion!!!! Three cheers for the next 200!!!

    Crapalingus! I didn’t know there was going to be a quiz! I would have paid more attention to things (not that I don’t, but usually I’m listening in the car or doing chores at home, I have to multi-task!!!)

    Well, I’m sorry to say I will most definitely get them all wrong, but that doesn’t mean I love you two any less. I freeze up on tests too. Hence why I had mostly straight A’s in high school, but only scored 740 on my SATs.

    1. America’s Next Top Model and Survivor
    2. The Hackensaw Boys
    3. “Milo my little love”…in the same idea as Patrick my little love.
    4. Taxes
    5. LOLcats aka Icanhascheezburger.com.
    6. “Khan!!!!!”
    7. When Stewie threw a tantrum.
    8. Eat ice
    9. Heidi: Old Movies Bet: Sherman
    10. Mike…cuz he was that last voice I heard before I fell asleep with my headphones on. Don’t get to hear the other guests.

    My sunglasses are from the 99 cent store and some guy on the sidewalk in Beverly Hills where I work thought they were Louis Vuitton. He asked, “Where did you get those? I love them!” I said, “They were a gift, don’t know, sorry…” Is that wrong, hahaha? Most I’ve every paid for sunglasses were $100 from an informercial where they came with several different lenses to filter out light, like for driving or sports. Came with a waterproof case just incase you drop it in the ocean like the model on tv. Big selling feature.

    The name Junonia reminds me of the fake country in the movie ‘Princess Diaries.’ They named their country, Genovia.

    I have an ongoing Fuck Off for the people that drive down the center turn lane to bypass all the traffic and then pull in at the last second. Somedays I’d like to pull them out of their car, hold a gun to their head until they cry, pee themselves and apologize…while the other cars roll on by pointing and laughing.

    Have a great vacation, Bet!!

  18. marlamarlamarla says:

    RE Huckle-con…love the idea for so many reasons…..how about New Orleans. It’s closed to the east coasters who can drive (wink wink) if need be, and I have been to Vegas and I hated it. So there…all about me…

    Oh and BTW Bet I went shoe shopping with Mish today and bought my first pair of Merrells (Nor Morelles, I was corrected in the middle of REI….) so far, I love them. ask me again after my first real walk. Happy 3 day weekend!!

  19. marlamarlamarla says:

    “closer” to the east coasters…hit my send button too quickly…

  20. siskita says:

    I’m not going to look at anyone’s answers, but I will expect that ThePete and my score, combined, might put us closer in the running…hopefully?

    I’m a bad hucklebugger – I can only think of a few answers…guesses really.
    1. Amazing Race? That’s not a big guilty pleasure..
    2. Mr M?
    6. Raiders?
    8. Hokey Pokey *I KNOW THIS ONE’S RIGHT!*

    …and that’s it. I don’t remember much. I tend to tune out when Family Guy is mentioned, and try as I might I can’t remember who Milo was named after. I SUCK!

    And Stennie, I never emailed you that you were wrong about Men Who Stare at Goats – just that Pete & I had a different experience. We can see how that would annoy anyone, it just didn’t for us.

    And I wanna plug anyone in the New York area (or anyone visiting in Sept-Oct) to see my vocal group’s show!!!! MarqueeFive.com Hm, I wonder if I can get them to do a 5-part harmony on the Hucklebuck Theme in rehearsal this week…

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