Episode 270 – Six Hours of Fun

Episode 270: Shout-outs, movies(Bet: True Grit; Stennie: OSS 117: Lost in Rio), Links o’ the Week, What’s Up With That, Right or Wrong? Thing That Doesn’t Fit, Fuck Offs and You Rules, Scratch-Off Live! Would You Rather?

“The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra; “Movies” bumper by Duke.

Links of the Week: Texts From Hillary and The WaPo Peep Diorama Contest

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12 Responses to Episode 270 – Six Hours of Fun

  1. LilyG says:

    The creepiest application of Rhapsody in Blue by United is in the Logan’s Run tunnel at O’Hare airport in Chicago. (If you’ve ever been in the connector tunnel, y0u know why I call it the Logan’s Run tunnel). They have it slightly slow, slightly electronic. Makes it even creepier.

    Okay, I am a parent. If your kid can ask for it and/or has teeth and uses them? It’s time to stop drinking from the tap. Yes, if you’re desperate you can pre-chew food for a baby, but you can pass germs and they make food mills and organic baby food for that too.

    They do make breast-shaped bottles. Parents say they suck. (or the kid doesn’t do that very well). But I can’t get over they way they bill this thing. Women today are totally neurotic. Kids want to eat– natural selection takes care of that. They will learn to adapt to whatever you do. Evenflo glass bottles, cheap, been BPA-free forever, and no funky parts or plastic sacs to have to mess about with.

    Okay, going to go downstairs and listen to the rest on my iPad —

  2. LilyG says:

    Right or wrong — the university probably has a non-fraternization policy, so I guess he should be put on leave,if it was his student.

    Do I get $10k/$100k for each one that I choose, or can I only get that amount once? I don’t think you two (or anyone) can give up nostalgia. Are you never supposed to say remember when?

    Typing on this iPad keyboard isn’t fun. Now I know why texters abbreviate.

  3. thepete says:

    Siskita was in LA for a few days, but in Northern California for the rest of the time visiting family. So, that explains why she didn’t have time to see everyone she wanted.

    I love the idea of Hucklebug ringtones. iPhones still need to be official iOS ringtones. Lame. You can make them easily with Garageband for Mac. There must be a way to do them for Windows.

    I still think you secretly HATE the Egyptian Theatre, Sten. You and Obama and your secrets! I AM WATCHING O_O YOU

    It’s funny you should mention the “Just another gadget” aspect of the iPad, Sten. That’s what I thought until I got mine. I still hate touchscreen keyboards, but everything else on that thing feels so intuitive. Honestly, I try to do as much as I can on the iPad because it’s just so damn easy. And this isn’t me being an Apple Cult member. I am the first to be critical of them for quite a few reasons. But using this thing makes me feel like this is the way we’ll be using all computers in ten years.

    What an interesting reaction from Bet on the “True Grit” remake. What did you ladies think of Matt Damon’s impersonation of Tommy Lee Jones? 🙂

    Ron Paul is *really* a Libertarian. In my many years following politics, I gotta say that the only good Libertarian is a quiet Libertarian. Well, they can talk about other stuff, just not their politics…because they’re insane. Ron Paul, for instance, wants to shut down the Commerce Department, the EPA, the Board of Ed, and the Fed. I’d be OK with that last part, but everything else? I like standards for education, environment and business. Also, he’s small government, but wants to ban abortion. So, he wants government out of our lives, but in your vaginas. Kind of hypocritical, much like that SUV-driving dude you saw, Sten. “THINK FOR YOURSELF, but do what I say!”

    I smirk as much as I smile. There’s no way I could give that up!

    If you gave up being nostalgic, but wouldn’t you find yourself missing it? 😉

    Oh and I just left one giant-ass paragraph on the Spoilers for “The Artist” page on Facebook. And I don’t have timeline yet, thank god. I really hate Facebook.

    Oh and Lily, on your iPad, you can split the keyboard and see if it’s easier for you. Do this by tapping and holding the “close keyboard” button in the lower right hand corner of the keyboard, then select “split”. I think you’ll get better at typing, but I agree, it’s a pain. I don’t know why they can’t just put a row of numbers at the top, either. And an apostrophe should be on the main keyboard, too. Apple can be rock-stupid sometimes.

    Thanks, ladies! The Hucklebug always makes me miss my podcasting days!! Seriously, I always feel myself wanting to start podcasting again, but by myself it’s too much of a pain. Ah well…

    Oh and issue #3 of thepete.mag is out! http://mag.thepete.com/latest 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    OMG! HOW many times have I suggested HB ringtones for the HB store? HOW MANY? Yes, I think it is a great idea. I can even make them. so BOOOO ya.

    I watched Hey Boo and enjoyed it. I didn’t really know much about Harper Lee or the importance of the book and now I do.

    Oh, and you’re so right: Dishy is pissed. And hurt. I’m keeping the comments short so I have a chance of getting mine read.

    Right or wrong? Yeah, I need more information.

  5. Michelle says:

    Oh, and Lily- “They do make breast-shaped bottles. Parents say they suck” Pun intended?

  6. Sal says:

    Thank you ladies. I think I owe you for a couple of “likes” on my station. ((BUT))…just so my station info is clear. Soul Pilot Radio airs 24 hours a day 7 days a week just like a regular radio station. My LIVE show, Soul Pilot Radio LIVE airs Wednesday nights at 8:00pm and repeats at 10:00pm. These are pacific times. There are two additional repeats, one on Saturday morning at 10:00am and one on Sunday night at 6:00pm.

    Thanks ladies for listening….well Bet anyway!! LOL!!!

    p.s. if you are a smart phone user you can download the Live365 app and listen on the go.

  7. Sal says:

    One more thing. Support our cause at http://savethepickfairstudio.wordpress.com/help-us-save-the-pickfair-studio/

    And sign our petition here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/868/826/981/save-pickfair-studios/

    Director Allison Anders and I started this movement to draw attention to the fact that the CIM Corporation and the West Hollywood City Council have approved plans to destroy some historic building on the former Pickford/Fairbanks Studio lot. We lost Mary Pickfords building last week to demolition but we still have time to save the other buildings slated to be victims of the wrecking ball. I have engaged the Fairbanks family and their estate to help us. They are now very involved with us. More demonstrations are planned so stay tuned!!

    OK, off my soapbox now.

  8. Patrick says:

    Marathoning thru episodes 268-270, so I can avoid being called a “former listener”. Mama didn’t raise no quitter.

    Bet watched THE GUARD! Hooray! Stinks that it’s not streaming, but I soooo needed a laugh when I saw it, and it hit me right in the cynical-yet-funny spot (located near my solar plexus, specifically between my superior and inferior mesenteric plexuses…eses). Yes, it’s even better with subtitles. This is why I still use Netflix for DVDs.

    Re: Movie theater of the future. It’s all about interactivity for me. For my $75 movie ticket in the year 2025, I would like coffee or drinks afterwards with my choice of one of the filmmakers, actors or subjects of the movie. Which actually brings up some tough decisions: would you rather meet Jean Dujardin or his character in OSS 117? I wonder if that would also change what movies I’d choose to see in a theater.

    Re: Gross mother choices. Breast-feeding past the appropriate age is by far the grossest. Also, celebrities, instead of eating your placenta, why not donate it to a cord blood bank? It could help save a life of someone suffering from lymphoma or leukemia. Plus I cannot imagine placenta tastes good, no matter how much ketchup you use.

    Re: Spoiler pages on Facebook. It’s a good idea, if you’re so inclined. I don’t have many spoilers about The Artist, but have added my $.02.

    All caught up! Time to me to start falling behind all over again.

  9. scottydude says:

    Hey ladies,
    Haven’t heard this episode yet, I’m behind a week, but had to tell you I just watched OSS 117:CNOS based on your recommendation and it was hilarious and delightful! I knew if you both of you liked the movie so enthusiastically, it must be worth watching. Actually, I missed the OSS double-feature recently at the New Beverly Cinema, an old haunt of mine and Stennie’s. Thank goodness for Netflix streaming!

    BTW, Mariko knows the woman-running-in-heels sanitary napkin wrapper you mentioned and she also dislikes it. She would prefer a plain pink or purple wrapper, or perhaps a simple graphic design of dots or something like that. Surprisingly, “Hello Kitty” was not acceptable either.

    Can’t wait to see OSS part two and listen to your review!

  10. scottydude says:

    Oh, I forgot:

    Regarding breast feeding too late, a certain mutual friend of Stennie and I has an older brother who was breast fed until at least kindergarten, but our friend was not. The older brother is quiet and reserved, and has a close relationship with his mother. Our friend is boisterous and charming, and he is sadly estranged from his mother.

  11. Krizzer says:

    Hi Ladies!

    So if I want you to talk about every point I make, I should leave them in different comments? I thought Dishy-One was on to something there, until you pulled the rug out from under her. Sneaky.

    If we’re talking gross, then I am WAY more grossed out by spitting pre-chewed food into your child’s mouth than extended breast feeding. I think extended breast-feeding is weird, and very likely psychologically damaging, but on the pure gross factor the bird-feeding method wins. Besides, did you know that the bacterial infection that causes cavities is contagious, and most kids get it from their mothers? Moms typically will share spoons with their little ones, etc, and pass the bacteria that way. But spitting food into your kid’s mouth has got to be a thousand times worse. Plus it makes me want to gag and I don’t understand why on earth you would do that.

    Oh, by the way, I thought you both did a wonderful job of answering the “Best TV Friendships” topic. I especially like Troy and Abed. But, the one you didn’t mention (and the one that caused me to think of the topic in the first place) is Turk and JD from Scrubs. Maybe you guys didn’t watch Scrubs. I love that friendship though, they totally get each other, they are always playing some wacky game together, they love each other completely, and they always seem to be having fun. That’s my idea of the perfect friendship.

    Oh, I’ve been using the New Favorite bumper as a ringtone for you, Stennie, for a while. Maybe if you called me once in a while I’d get to hear it…..:)

  12. Scottydude says:

    I’m glad you took a week off so I could catch up. Thanks for that! 🙂
    I second everybody’s Fuck Off to Timeline. My page hasn’t changed yet, but I’m not looking forward to it. Saw both OSS movies and agree with Stennie: part two (Rio) is enjoyable but less sharp than the first one (Cairo). Now I gotta see True Grit. Maybe tonight? Happy Spring Fertility Fest!

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