Episode 201 – Nobody Didn’t Get Any

Episode 201: Quiz Answers and our Grand Prize Winner, shout-outs, Pet Stories, Last Word, movies (Stennie: Supersize Me, Food Inc., King Corn; Bet: 500 Days of Summer).

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker, and Frank Sinatra.

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9 Responses to Episode 201 – Nobody Didn’t Get Any

  1. LilyG. says:

    Does Mad Magazine still exist to buy X-Ray sunglasses?

    Does this redeem me in your eyes, Stennie — I DO stop at red lights in the middle of the night when there’s nobody around. Not even sure why, but I do. I sit there saying “jeez, just make this a flashing yellow after 10 pm, people”, but I stop.

    I have been to New Orleans before, but I could go again.

    Here’s a Star Spangled Banner/Name That Voice quiz. I hadn’t heard so many overdone vocals in a long time… http://www.sporcle.com/games/Hejman/NO_Roseanne

    Things I was screaming at the computer (okay, silently, NTCNTC is sleeping)
    Things at a bakery: Danish
    Cars: Rolls Royce
    Cities — Cincinnati
    Things seen at a concert: wankers
    Dentist’s office: chair

  2. Duke says:

    The problem with driving through parking lots in random directions? – how do you know it’s really empty? There are always parked cars in the lot even when it’s closed which means you can’t see very far. Many stores like Walmart are open 24/7. The lot may look empty the short distance you can see but you’re there aren’t you? That means someone else might be too and they don’t expect cars to be whizzing around in every direction. Besides, the people I see cutting through aren’t doing it in empty lots. They do it all the time. Honestly, how much time do you save going diagonally rather than up the lanes? 2 seconds? People don’t do it to save time, because it doesn’t save any. It’s more like I’m gonna drive any way I damn please.

  3. Duke says:

    You never had a pair of X-Ray Specs? They were plastic frames fitted with cardboard lenses that had a pinhole in them. Inside the pinhole they put a feather or something that broke up the light. When you put them on you saw two overlapping images offset a small amount. It created a blurry halo around whatever you were viewing. It was supposed to create an illusion of the surface being transparent leading to a more solid center, like a x-ray. They were really stupid.

    The Amazing Sea Monkeys were a riot. The comic ads showed mom and dad sea monkey loafing around in easy chairs watching TV. The ads also said you could train them to do awesome tricks. They were really just brine shrimp about the size of pin heads. The stuff you feed guppies. The tricks consisted of making them follow a light around the glass. They will flock to any light and as you move it they move too. I know more than one kid who got taken by this lame product.

    But the tiny spy camera? That was the bomb.

  4. I’m absolutely beside myself with giddy excitement at having won the Comfy Chair™ box set–and an official Hucklebug Kazee! Somebody pinch me! Would it be considered bad form for me to perform “We Will Rock You / We Are the Champions” on it?

    I love the idea of interviewing Hucklebug regulars and hearing their stories. What I think might be really interesting is finding out about some of our unexpected connections and/or near-misses. (For example, I think Mike was in Crete around the same time I was in Northern Italy. Maybe we could come up with some kind of flow chart or Venn diagram…)

    Here’s to 200 more. Long live the Hucklebug!

  5. Mike says:

    (500) Days Of Summer – I nearly gave it 4 1/2 stars, just on the strength of Zooey Deschanel alone. I really enjoyed the movie, even though the soundtrack wasn’t always in line with my taste. But a girl like Zooey singing Sugar Town in karaoke? More please.

    Did pet peeves sneak into the conversation within the last few h’bugs? Or is that a perpetual subject? Somehow I was thinking of a big one with me, a deadly combo of two peeves that are bad enough on their own: prideful ignorance. E.g.: I’ll ask someone, “hey, you ever see that one Italian movie, with the fountain and that amazingly hot blonde?” The reply: “Nope!”

    Congrats to Mr. Middlebrow, for both winning at the quiz and passing out in a bar! (That’s how I heard it at least.) Btw, my time in Crete was 9/81 to 9/83, with a week in Bavaria and Austria in 5/83. There were a couple of trips to Athens in there as well. I did get to spend about 45 minutes in the airport in Rome on my way out. That was fun.

  6. Kelly w/ a Y says:

    Well, when I suck at something, I suck 100%. No holding back. Only way to learn. Thank you for trying to give me a 1/2 a point. Can’t wait to get my kazee!

    Ya know those concrete blocks you park in front of that prevents you from driving through the parking spot? Well, my college roommate, put the car in Drive instead of Reverse and drove over it. Got the car stuck and a bunch of us girls had to try and lift the front bumper as she gunned it in reverse. We eventually got it unstuck, but we were all freaked out for a bit. Oh, did I mention this was on vacation in FL with her parents’ car? The trip was our college graduation present from our parents. Even if I know there isn’t a concrete block there, I still won’t drive thru to this day.

    I always wondered about those x-ray glasses too.

    I just recommended 500 Days of Summer to my cousin. He just started dating a girl that said she didn’t want a relationship. Sounds like he’s falling hard for her. I said, “Watch that movie. It’ll help.” I liked it and thought there were a lot of clever sections. Love me some Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

    I’ll go anywhere for HuckleCon 2012. I’m easy like that. (Although I’ve never been to New Orleans before…)

  7. I was very keen to see (500) Days of Summer, mainly on the strength of favorable reviews and the fact that Zoe Deschanel is a dead ringer for a high-school girlfriend. The resemblance was compounded by the matter-of-fact way in which she broke poor JGL’s heart, which didn’t exactly endear the movie to me. On balance, I enjoyed it and thought the “You Make My Dreams” bit was genius. But what really threatened to scuttle the thing was the precociously wise little sister. That a was a bush-league sitcom move.

  8. ThePete says:

    In case anyone was wondering, I suck at quizzes.

    Just sayin’.

  9. ThePete says:


    I look forward to the day when you can play your cigar-box-guitar, Sten!

    I spent a day in New Orleans back in 1994. It was cool. I had jambalaya. It was delicious.

    I dig the new game… random=fun

    Favorite part of “King Corn”: where they try to make HFCS in their kitchen only to discover it’s incredibly dangerous to make.

    Glad you guys got to movies. I enjoy movies!

    Catching up!

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