Episode 241 – Coming Along in the Bedroom

Episode 241: Shout-outs, movies (Bet: Sixty-Six, Despicable Me; Stennie: Good Hair; joint: The Apple), Pet Stories, Bet’s Highlight, New Favorite, What’s Up With That?, Online Video of the Week, Fuck offs and You Rules, Movie Sequels We’d Like to See.

Music: β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra. “New Fave” bumper by Krizzer, “Movies” bumper by Duke.

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7 Responses to Episode 241 – Coming Along in the Bedroom

  1. thepete says:

    It’s true–the CHL instruction manual does not include specific guidelines regarding the timing of the “a night in the box’ sentence. I interpret this to mean that it should be considered on a case-by-case basis. As you both seem like amiable ladies, the Court believes determination of said “a night in the box” can be decided upon by the guilty at a further date.

    JUST so long as we don’t have a failure to communicate… in which case, all bets are off!

    That’s so sad that you don’t watch your TV husband anymore. That said, I understand your anger. I really do. This world is a fucking mess.

    Well, you got the CHL quote right out of the gate. The “You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.” is my favorite from a list of dirty-sounding lines from the Star Wars Saga (that quote is specifically from the original Star Wars, when Princess Leia says it to Han in relation to the Millennium Falcon). It was going around the net a bunch of years ago so I thought everyone had seen it. Guess just us uber-geeks. “Come out to the coast, have a few laughs.” is from “Die Hard.” I guess I should have gone with “Yippee kaiyay mother fucker.” Ah well. πŸ™‚ That last one is from “Bubba Hotep” a movie which all Bruce Campbell fans should really see because it’s pretty dern fun. Bruce plays Elvis and Jack Kennedy (yes, JFK) is played by Ozzie Davis.

    No set for the head this week sounds great, Stennie!

    I really didn’t care for “Good Will Hunting.” That “apples” line made the writer in me cringe. If that script was written by anyone else there’s no way it would have won an Oscar.

    Glad you guys had a good time watching “The Apple” with Sierra and I and Dishy πŸ™‚ We hope Dishy had a good time, too. We’re definitely looking forward to the next time. Yes, “The Apple” is strictly for watching with equally disbelieving friends.

    Bet, Art = Work. Just sayin…

    You’re welcome for the Russell Brand thing–yeah, he’s pretty sharp, but not so funny. Which is odd since he’s British and I usually love British humor.

    The one thing I’ll say about the UK riots is this: compared to what Wall Street and big business does to people, the environment and to our economy, those rioters didn’t do much. Of course, I don’t condone the violence and blahblahblah, but perspective, people.

    One more thing (oops): Sten, you are spot on regarding your point about working out what is causing the riots instead of just blaming participants.

    Sten, what was wrong with Star Trek 6? I think 6 was total fun. All the others after (odd or even) sucked ass. 1 and 3 didn’t suck, they were just kind of boring. 5 was horrible.

    Bet, you like Tim Matheson? Did you watch the original Jonny Quest? He played Jonny.

    If there was a sequel to “The Italian Job” I would demand that they *not* explain how they got out of that cliff-hanger. I’d love to see an old man caper-movie with Michael Caine that is just as serious as that original movie, though. I hate “funny” old man caper movies. I like the idea of old men being just as bad ass and professional as they were when they were young. They got to be old for a reason, right?

    Sten, why don’t you buy window crayons? Then, when you have an idea in the shower you can write it on the wall, and come back later to transcribe it. This is what I do. I also used to practice writing Japanese in the shower, it was fun πŸ™‚

    There, now if comments are minimal, I’ve got you covered πŸ˜‰

  2. LilyG says:

    Commenting before I hear most of the podcast, but I’d like another fuck-off to Nick (the other one, naturally). I got one of those e-mails today that people our age just shouldn’t be getting yet about a friend I had gone to college with and travelled with over the years. I hadn’t even known she was ill, so getting the e-mail was a big punch. You always think that you’ll just keep popping up in each other’s lives every few years forever.

    And normally people don’t not comment because the show was lackluster (I just finished last week’s yesterday and it didn’t seem lackluster to me), it’s because we’re behind.

    Yay — I knew two of the movie quotes and could even picture the scenes — “You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought”. Princess Leia to Han Solo, Star Wars.

    “Come out to the coast, we’ll have a few laughs”. Bruce Willis in Die Hard.

    Sixty-six sounds interesting if it’s done well. Despicable Me — on repeat play in our house, although that means there are chunks of it I haven’t seen. We don’t put movies on repeat play in our house for ME to watch them.

    Betster — Milo needs to teach NTCNTC how to go sleep in his own room on his own. We’re going to do it enforced style over the break before Labor Day. Boy that’s gonna be fun…

    This is why I can’t listen in the morning as I’m getting dressed — I’m soooo late.

  3. siskita says:

    Thanks ladies for a great time with “The Apple”!!!! I ditto all that ThePete comments.

    Marquee Five and myself is on Playbill.com this week: http://www.playbill.com/news/article/153714-Goodspeeds-City-of-Angels-Will-Star-DB-Bonds-Burke-Moses-Laurie-Wells-Nancy-Anderson

    And we are in the midst of designing our CD cover for “8-Track Throwback”, so fear not that we haven’t forgotten the CD Release soon!

    Here’s my movie quote quiz: ” “I just hate you and I hate your ass face!!!!”

    You have to watch “Bubba Hotep”!!!!

    And Stennie, I like your voice sans headset this episode, although the “p”‘s pop a bit more. But the background noise is minimalized, which sounds great.

    Next time I hear you guys, I will be in Connecticut! I will try to keep up to date and comment as much as I can πŸ™‚ Cheers!

  4. Janet says:

    Before I knew who Russell Brand was, I heard him interviewed on Fresh Air about his book, “My Little Booky Wook.” I was impressed then how well spoken and intelligent he was so I am not surprised by his articles in The Guardian about the riots and the untimely death of Amy Winehouse. I’m not interested in seeing his movies but I am a fan.

  5. Donna says:

    Stennie, I thought your reaction to the dog trying to get the man on the park bench to throw the stick for him was interesting. The first time I watched it was without sound and I thought it was cute. Then Janet told me the dog’s owners (I presume) were laughing so then I re-watched it with sound and I did feel a bit sorry for the dog. And I definitely think that dogs can experience embarrassment and know when we’re laughing at them instead of with them. (Oh boy, do I sound like a nut case now?)

    Pet story! I remember fondly a trip Janet and I took many years ago to Chincoteague with our then-dog Scout. We stopped at some shops that were built out over the water a bit, two rows facing each other with a crisscrossing wooden boardwalk between the two rows. In the middle was a life-size statue of Misty of Chincoteague. We didn’t think anything of it but as the three of us started to cross the boardwalk, Scout absolutely froze in his tracks and wouldn’t go anywhere near that horse! It was quiet funny but you had to feel sorry for the poor boy, too.

    Forgive me but my last comment goes back several episodes to comments Dishy and Lily made about tourists getting in their respective ways. One year we met Janet’s two sisters in New York for their first visit ever to NYC. They are both detectives with the Metropolitan Police in London. They got so excited when they saw the steam coming up from the manhole covers because of watching NYPD Blue episodes. They thought that was very New York and took pictures!

  6. Zarban says:

    Hey! Your commentary links are dead (In-Laws and Shaun of the Dead). Can you post them again? I will host them for you, if you want.


  7. stennie says:

    Hey, Zarban — I am uploading them for you as we speak. Check the links in about 10-15 minutes or so. Thanks for your interest!

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