Episode 271 – Placenta-Eatin’ Sons-of-Bitches!

Episode 271: Shout-outs, Pet Stories, Bet’s Lowlight, Earworms of the Week, Fuck Offs and You Rules, Favorite Childhood Toys and Weird Recurring Dreams.

β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra.

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5 Responses to Episode 271 – Placenta-Eatin’ Sons-of-Bitches!

  1. thepete says:

    I nominate this week’s title for the “Best Title Ever” award! It made me laugh when I saw it and again when I heard it. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the plug for thepete.mag!! I’m starting work on Issue #4 today! (This monthly schedule is kicking my ass!)

    Bet… what a horror story!! Good luck with Milo!! We at Uchi no Za Pito (House of ThePete) are wishing Milo a speedy recovery!!!!

    Thanks for the You Rule, Sten!! I’m so glad I’m not alone with my anti Depp/Burton-project opinion! I wrote that tweet after Sierra played the “Dark Shadows” trailer on her laptop–I did not watch it, I only listened. It made me so ANGRY. It made me want to go back in time so I could go to the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA and PISS on all of Tim Burton’s sketches. >_< As it was, when I did go to that exhibit years ago, I found myself thinking "all THIS for the guy who made the 'Planet of the Apes' remake?" Meanwhile, last year's Jim Henson's early works were showcased out at the Museum of the Moving Image way the hell out in Brooklyn when his work deserves to be at MoMA way more than Tim Burton's. /rant

    A favorite toy from childhood: my vintage, early 80s Millennium Falcon, which I still own to this day–complete with smoke bomb stains and other me-related damage. My favorite toy ever, however, has to be my Spider-Man web shooter, which was a suction-cup dart-launcher that you wear on your wrist. The dart is attached to the launcher via a string (I swapped it out for a longer string). I think the launcher, itself, eventually broke and I missed it so much, I found another still in it's package at San Diego Comic Con in the 90s and I bought it for $25. Still have it on my shelf, unopened (what? I don't wanna break it again!)

    I have a favor to ask–can you guys go "like" my book on Amazon, please? Just go here: http://thepete.com/buymybook and that will forward you to my book. Then look for the orange "like" button underneath the name of the book. While you're there, you can buy it, too πŸ™‚ or not, that's OK (it's just $12!! $3 for the Kindle version!). My understanding is that when a book on Amazon has 50 or more "likes" they start working it into their advertising. Incidentally, I have just finished the bulk of the editing for Book 2 in my "TheKey Chronicle" series so, I'm hoping to have that on Amazon by the end of May.

    OK, enough out of me. Sorry for the shameless self-plugging. (Whoa… that sounded dirty–and painful!)

  2. Sal says:

    Wait…Just thought of something.

    Now let me get this straight. Some movie theaters are actually contemplating allowing texting “during” the movie? First, I hope they list these theaters that will allow texting so that I can pass that list along and stress that everyone NOT patronize those theaters. Secondly, can I take out an insurance policy protecting me against slapping the back of everyone’s head who interrupts my enjoyment of watching a film because those idiots feel the need to blare their cell phone screens right in my face because I happen to sit next to or behind them in a theater? Just asking!!

  3. I will pay for an annual movie pass to see Sal do that to one of our rude patrons (it hardly ever happens, we are THAT kind of theatre…)

  4. Kelly w/ a Y says:

    OMG! Why did I think you guys stopped doing the Hucklebug? It’s probably too late for a shout out this week.

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