Episode 272 – This is Turning Into an Essay

Episode 272: Shout-outs, movies (Bet: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy), Pet Story follow-ups, Bet’s Generic Review, New Favorite/Least Favorite, Earworm of the Week, Stennie’s Highlight, Thing That Doesn’t Fit, Fuck Offs and You Rules, What’s On Your Corkboard?

β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed by Otis Redding, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra. “Movies” bumper by Duke, “New Favorite” bumper by Krizzer.

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5 Responses to Episode 272 – This is Turning Into an Essay

  1. thepete says:

    Thanks for the awesome plug for my book, ladies!! Much appreciated!

    I should buy a second Spider-Man web shooter, just to play with, but they’re pretty rare and usually expensive. Besides, I have a Nerf dart gun that I can play with that gives me similar satisfaction while not causing pain to the wife and the cat. (Darts in the 70s were plastic and hard!)

    And don’t worry, Stennie, I have a reading list as long as my arm, so, just read my book when you can. I still need to finish proofreading and formatting Book 2 so you’ve got some time πŸ™‚

    I had no idea Marla ran a movie theater!! Very cool!! Good for you, Marla!! I am so jealous!

    Bet, I have been contemplating signing up for Amazon Prime because it makes all of Amazon’s streaming content become “free” and you get other benefits as well. It’s $80/year but that works out to about the same cost as Netflix streaming. Maybe Mr. M. might want to partake since he’s got the Roku.

    So good to learn that both of your pets are doing better!

    I have too many things on my cork board. So much so that I gave up having a cork board because it would look like it came from that Katamari Damacy game at the end of a level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katamari_Damacy). I now paste everything into school notebooks and tend to keep snap shots, news paper clippings, ticket stubs, sticky notes with story ideas or funny titles or character names on them. At a clinic back in LA I came across an amazing doctor’s name that I added to a notebook someplace, but it’s so memorable I didn’t need to write it down: Chainarong Limvarapus. Amazing name AND he’s a real person. Google him or just check out his Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Chainarong-Limvarapuss/1150402649

    I couldn’t make up a name like that.

  2. Kelly w/ a Y says:

    Yes, yes, I am embarrassed to say I thought you guys had ended the Hucklebug like last year. Well, I guess I have a lot to catch up on! Glad Milo and Buster are doing better and I think breast feeding until a kid is older is disturbing. I just finished watching Season One of “Game of Thrones” and they do that with a 12 yr old. Thank God I watched that Ep with the commentary later. They used a fake boob for the child actor to suck on. Ew.

    I’ve had not one, but TWO magic bullets. I used the first one so much, I burned out the motor and they had to send me a second one. I still have it, oh, 8-9 yrs later! I actually don’t get to use it much these days because I’ve been working on my knife skills. But in honor of the Hucklebug and since you guys mentioned it, I busted it out Wednesday night and made homemade salsa!! It was divine! The trick to not liquifying everything is to pulse the blade’s rotation, not keep it whizzing around forever. It takes practice. I think it was originally marketed to use for party drinks like margaritas and such. Each person could have his or her own choice of blended beverage instead of making one giant pitcher of something.

    Corkboard-Hmm, I still don’t have it up from my move (yes, sadly 6 mos ago), but there are a few things still stuck to it from my previous place. Pictures of homes I’ve cut out from magazines I’d like to live in someday (visualization works, right?) and a photocopied $10 bill that I turned into a $100,000 bill with a sharpie to bring prosperity. (visualization works, right?) I think there may be a few business cards of directors I’ve met at past industry mixers too. And my Serenity pin from the Firefly tv series. (Moment of silence…)

    On my fridge there are three magnets I adore and they travel from place to place with me:

    1. A magnet from college that came in one of those freshmen care packages. It was a magnet from AT&T pre-paid minutes card and on it was a cartoon that showed a chubby kid digging into a box and it says “Finally. In the box marked “Miscellaneous”, Stuart finally found…himself.” I sort of felt like Stuart back then. Odd, different and always searching for something.

    2. A magnet that says “Drink coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.” It makes me giggle every time I read it.

    3. A magnet from a children’s play I did. The magnet was a thank you gift from one of the cast members. It has the theater name and my name, plus a crown on it since I played Princess Jasmine in the Princess and the Pea.

    Happy Hucklebugging, ladies!

  3. Just to be clear….I do not run the theatre..I “run” the membership program for a non-profit independent movie theatre….and assist the ED with fund raising…basically I get to plan parties and events to suck money out of donors well beyond our $6.75 movies and $3.50 large popcorn…you like those member prices??


    Ken has a music bullet which he never uses…I tried to use my ipod with one of those hookups to the radio in your car..never worked. Ken got me a jabra…has a little double speaker action inside. I have no idea how much, I was told not to ask. Not a good sign. Good sound and incredibly long battery life… And wireless!!

    And as far as liking other people’s pages….you all did see my most recent GimmeAMinute, right??? Right?? (out of respect, I won’t post it here….)

    No guilt (Dishy) just frustration….I still haven’t even hit 400…and it’s been TWO YEARS!!

    I have a cork board that was in my kitchen on the door to the basement for a long time…then during the renovation, got moved to the doorway by my front door. There is a postcard sized note from Zoe’s daycare with some hair she cut off…18 years ago…

    At work, the board is half cork board, half white board…stuck into the cork there are thank you cards from the non profits I have been able to support with movie passes for them to auction off..

    I know you probably don’t remember this….but the night you recorded this minute and you talked about the BTG marquee wall….was ten years since Alton passed…sigh…

    on that note..happy Friday ladies…I was multitasking while I listened this week, I mopped the kitchen floor and drank a glass of wine.

    Life is good.



  4. Michelle says:

    You ladies are the gin in my vermouth.

    Ok, so on my cork board in the study: ticket stubs to every Elvis Costello, Squeeze, and Old 97s concert I have ever been to. Ticket stub from the original Spamalot production. Signed items from much of the above.

    Heidi will get this one: A red card that says, “PFUI” on it. (That’s the German spelling of fooey.)

    A poem sent to me by a friend.

    Postcards from Hamburg, Hawaii (from Nyssa), and Varna (Bulgaria.)

    The phone list of the companyIusedtoworkfor

    And Marla (not on my cork board) Thank you for the absolution! I do like your page, I really do!

  5. Capt. A says:

    I’ve been told to leave a comment.

    Comment: I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Now don’t bother me anymore about it.

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