Episode 180

Hucklebug Episode 180: RIP Robert Culp, Jaime Escalante, John Forsythe, June Havoc and David Mills, mini lowlight & highlights, shout-outs, and Hucklebug welcomes their very special guest Mike the Blogless!  Listen in while we turn the tables on Mike with a lyrics quiz!

Music: β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed by Otis Redding, Lee Rocker, and Frank Sinatra.

Editor’s note: As I’m sure you will notice, we had some sound troubles in Bet’s channel during the first segment. It does go away eventually, hang in there. Nothing we could do to fix it, unfortunately.

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5 Responses to Episode 180

  1. Sorry, Bet, but if one of my dream Jeopardy! categories is Cohen Bros. films, Raising Arizona is a must. In fact, it’s probably a Daily Double.

    BTW: If you can manage ‘milieu,’ you can totally own ‘assuage’ (uh-SWAY’Dj). I, for one, am willing to wait as long as it takes to hear you read TKAM.

    Ethics update: I passed my MPRE by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.

  2. marlamarlamarla says:

    Here’s a RIP for you.. I’m sure you know Malcolm McLaren..was an English performer, impresario, self-publicist and former manager of the Sex Pistols and the New York Dolls.  I of course had never heard of him, even though I knew both those bands, but I wanted to make sure I had at least one comment this week.

  3. siskita says:

    I have a topic of discussion that might in turn help me – in your discussions of lyrics I noticed so many lovely turns of phrases but I had no idea of the song itself.  I’m hunting for modern/classic rock songs that have strong enough melodies/lyrics to turn into Cabaret numbers.  You gals are such wonderful musicologists – can you come up with some songs that I can look into for Cabaret material?  I can’t sing just from the American Songbook you know!

    Thanks!  If not a topic for a Hucklebug episode, then just email me your ideas smile

  4. ThePete says:

    Ha! Heidi, when you said “Everybody knows ‘The Letter’!” my immediate thought was: “Not me.”

    But then you started singing and I realized, nope, I DO know the Letter!”

    Whahoo!!!  I’m still getting Bet’s Can of Puke!

    Thanks for the compliments on the Jeopardy categories πŸ˜€

    Thank you!!  “The Powers that Be” was it!!  Thanks, Bet!  Actually, I’ve met David Hyde Pierce a couple times and afterwords I always wonder why I didn’t just ask him the name of it and tell him how much I liked it. >_<

  5. ThePete says:

    I just finished listening to this ep! I’m LAME.

    But I managed to miss the name of the song that you guys suggested would be a good song for Jay to cover (I even tried listening twice!)

    Great job Mike!  Who says you need a blog?  You rock just fine without one! smile

    (I’m still so behind!)

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